Research Bento: Scaling through Collaboration - Donna Driscoll & Kassie Chaney, LinkedIn
Interviewing Workshop: Don't Leave Data on the Table
Ethnography: A 21st Century Interpretation (@CHI) - Sarah Garcia, UE Group
The Future of HCI (@CHI) - Ben Shneiderman, U of Maryland
Share Better: Rethinking the Research Report - Tomer Sharon, WeWork
Grad School: Yay or Nay Pt. 1 - Anna Turner, Google
Usability Testing: Tricking Gov into Working for People - Dana Chisnell, Center for Civic Design
Class v. Office: Balancing the Study & the Practice - Elizabeth Churchill, Google
I Have an Idea, Now What? - Sarah Doody, The UX Notebook
Big Questions, Better Answers - Jake Knapp, GV